Stem cell therapy for congestive heart failure

Congestive heart failure is a chronic condition of the heart where the heart loss its efficient capability to pump the blood. This may happen when there is a defect in the heart which prevents the blood from getting out into the circulation or in case heart muscle itself is weaker than normal. Due to the failure of the heart capacity of pumping to the organs that leads negative impact on other organs for example when the less amount of blood is pumped into the kidneys by the heart that leads to filtering less fluid out of the circulation into the urine. The extra fluid in the circulation builds up in the liver, the lungs, around the eyes, and some other places. This is called fluid “congestion” and for this reason, doctors call this “congestive heart failure”.
Generally, the ejection fraction less than 20% is considered a serious condition, in normal humans ejection fraction would be between 50-75%. Fact for the failure of the heart ejection is one main chamber in a heart that is left ventricle; it becomes enlarged and isn’t beating effectively causing the EF percentage level to dangerously low levels. Ideally, EF percentages ought to be between 52% and 74%. This number also represents the quantity of blood pumped out from the heart on every beat. The walls of the left ventricle are hypokinetic. Hyperkinetic state indicates they are not contracting correctly, they’re considered “lazy”. This is also why the EF% is low and the patients have Diastolic Dysfunction of the heart.
Stem cells are unspecialized cells that have two essential characteristics that distinguish them from other cells inside our bodies. Stem Cells are able to replenish their numbers naturally and indefinitely via cell division. If stem cells ever receive chemical indicators (ie dysfunctions, trauma, damage etc) they are able to migrate to the injured/dysfunctional area and transform themselves into the very specialized cells needed to perform a particular function. Functions or tissues or cells like nerve cells or even heart cells.
Once qualified for treatments, Injections of enriched mesenchymal stem cells are introduced into damaged heart tissue. This cellular proliferation helps enhance the performance/condition patients suffering from serious congestive heart failure. Stem cells for CHF work primarily through the creation of new blood vessels “Angiogenesis” that also helps improve tissue perfusion. The new lab-grown/expanded cells are carefully “transplanted” back into the patient through targeted infusions and/or into the damaged heart muscle or even by infusing them into the coronary arteries. Through the process of “Homing” Stem cells migrate into the heart muscle for months after the initial treatment to assist in the regeneration process through the transformation into healthy functioning heart cells.
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