Public notice by government of india ministry of health and family welfare

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has controlled the production of Oxytocin formulations for domestic use to public sector only from 1st July and also banned the import of Oxytocin and its formulations.
From 1st July, onwards no private manufacturer will be manufacturing the drug for domestic use. Only Karnataka Antibiotics & Pharmaceuticals Ltd (KAPL), a public sector company, would be manufacturing this drug for domestic use from that date. The Oxytocin formulations meant for domestic consumption will be supplied by the manufacturer, i.e. KAPL, to the registered hospitals and clinics in public and private sector directly. so there fore any kind of the oxytocin compound will not be allowed to sold in the retail chemists.
As a medication, Oxytocin is used to cause contraction of the uterus in order to start labor. It is also used to increase the speed of labor and to stop bleeding following delivery. It is given by injection either into a muscle or into a vein.
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